Men Non-Binding Socks - Kawata House of Socks
Men Non-Binding Socks - Kawata House of Socks

Men Non-Binding Socks


MBD-GC 18606 
Pls note that the colour does not contrast a lot between Black, Navy and Grey

- Socks with wide elastic top ,suitable for normal and wide broad feet

- No binding mark, strain free , super comfortable

- Seamless toe to alleviate  rubbing irritation

- Super quality cotton for greater sweat absorbency

- Durable

Good for those who don't like tight Cuff top. 

Free Size

- 給你一雙無束缚的腳


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  • JNT $4.00 Delivery to Your Doorstep
    Delivery will take 5 or more working days from the completion date of payment, excluding weekends and public holidays.
  • Local Delivery in Singapore
    Please provide Singapore phone numbers for local delivery.